I defy anyone not to get the itch when they see this picture. Now, I order a lot of things by Internet and they are invariably delivered in lots of delicious bubble wrap. However, I feel that an opportunity is being missed here…
Where is the personalised bubble wrap? Huh? Huh? Am I veritably popping and bursting with new-fangled marketing winners or what? I'm thinking matching 'is'n'ers personalised bubble wrap for Christmas. I’m thinking anniversary and birthday bubbles. I'm thinking musical bubbles, hilarious farting bubbles, laddish beer-burping bubbles, Valentine's Day heart-shaped red-wrap-with-kissy-mwa bubbles, champagne bubbles, smear-on-and-lick-off chocolate and pecan nut flavour bubbles, edible bubbles, bubbles in hotpants, Afghan landmine-popping bubbles, Jade Goody tribute bubbles, credit bubbles that crunch instead of pop, star-spangled bubbles, flowery chintz Home Counties bubbles, hard inner city bubbles, square, triangular, hexagonal, sticky and fluffy bubbles, gay bubbles...
What a fantastic thought! Bubbles R Us has been born! I must have suicide bomber bubbles that snap with a really big bang - and reality TV bubbles that don’t do anything, but everyone looks at them anyhow - and ‘Original Classic’ bubbles which are just good ol’ bubble wrap like mom used to snap on the porch…